Here are the objectives from the NOF GH & Willapa meeting in Montesano. Formatting left as usual but I think one can fumble through and figure it out. If you want them in a clean copy or the Power Point presentation that was utilized PM me and I will get them to you.


• Fisheries will be managed with the intent of achieving escapement goals for natural origin salmon.
• WDFW-managed commercial gillnet fisheries in a fishing area or aggregate area (i.e., Area 2A/2B/2D; or Area 2C) shall be scheduled, if possible, so that in any given calendar week there are a minimum of three consecutive days when no treaty or state-managed commercial fisheries occur.
• If it becomes apparent that a scheduled fishery will exceed its preseason catch expectation, and the overage will put at risk the attainment of conservation objectives, the Department shall implement in-season management actions that are projected to enhance the effectiveness of fishery management relative to the attainment of the conservation objectives and impact sharing in the preseason fishery plan.

Spring Chinook Salmon
• Prioritize freshwater recreational fisheries, with an objective of opening freshwater areas no later than May 1.

Fall Chinook Salmon
• The fishery management objectives for fall Chinook salmon, in priority order, are to:
o achieve spawner goals;
o provide meaningful recreational fishing opportunities; and
o limit commercial fishery impacts to the incidental harvest of fall Chinook during fisheries directed at other species
• For Chehalis natural-origin Chinook, the predicted fishery impact in WDFW-managed fisheries will not exceed 5% of the adult return to Grays Harbor because the number of natural-origin spawners was less than the goal in 3 out of the last 5 years.
• WDFW-managed commercial fisheries in the Grays Harbor Basin shall have the following impact limits:
o Areas 2A, 2B, 2D: the impact rate of the state-managed commercial fishery shall be 0.8% or less on natural-origin Chehalis fall Chinook
o Area 2C: the impact rate of the state-managed commercial fishery shall be 5.4% or less on natural-origin Humptulips fall Chinook.
• Grays Harbor control zone off of the mouth of Grays Harbor will be implemented no later than the second Monday in August and continue until the end of September.
• Chehalis Fall Chinook. Recreational fishing sector impacts allocated to Area 2.2 will be between 27 and 48% of the total recreational impacts.
• Humptulips Fall Chinook. Recreational fishing sector impacts allocated to Area 2.2 will be 37% of the total recreational impacts.

Coho Salmon
• Chehalis Coho. Recreational fishing sector impacts allocated to Area 2.2 will be 45% of the total recreational impacts.
• Humptulips Coho.
o For Humptulips natural-origin coho, the predicted fishery impact in WDFW-managed fisheries will not exceed 5% of the adult return to Grays Harbor because the number of natural-origin spawners was less than the goal in 3 out of the last 5 years.
o Recreational fishing sector impacts allocated to Area 2.2 will be between 18 and 34% of the total recreational impacts.

Chum Salmon
• Fisheries will be managed with the intent of achieving escapement goals for natural origin salmon.
• No fisheries directed at chum salmon shall occur unless the adult coho salmon return exceeds spawner objectives, or if coho salmon impacts remain after coho and Chinook salmon fisheries.
• Recreational fishing sector impacts allocated to Area 2.2 will be 2% or less of the total recreational impacts.

PAST PERFORMANCE (Shaded values exceed goal)

Natural Origin Escapement (Preliminary and Subject to Revision)
Year Chehalis Chinook Humptulips Chinook Chehalis Coho Humptulips Coho Grays Harbor Chum
2008 -- -- 31,454 192
2009 6,651 2,071 63,290 1,703 14,585
2010 10,893 6,657 83,445 4,410 33,537
2011 14,923 5,698 58,080 4,460 29,043
2012 9,291 3,726 63,607 1,220 25,452
2013 8,426 2,058 41,512 3,181 21,284
2014 7,670 2,530 14,711

Goal 9,880 3,620 28,506 6,894 21,000
Exceeded 3 of 5 NO YES YES NO YES

• Manage fisheries to achieve hatchery broodstock collection goals, as identified in the Future Brood Document.
o Hatchery Chinook;
 Satsop Springs – an estimated 425 adults to achieve a release goal of 500,000 juveniles
 Humptulips River – an estimated 425 adults to achieve a release goal of 500,000 juveniles
o Hatchery Coho;
 Chehalis River – an estimated 1,540 adults to achieve a release goal of 1,400,000 yearlings
 Humptulips River – an estimated 550 adults to achieve a release goal of 500,000 of yearlings
o Hatchery Chum;
 Bingham, Satsop Springs, and Mayor Brother (Wishkah) facilities – an estimated 500 adults to achieve a release goal of 500,000 juveniles for on-station release.

STURGEON: Closed due to conservation concerns.


Forecast for salmon returning to Grays Harbor during 2015-16 season:

Natural origin Hatchery
Chehalis 19,108 3,463
Humptulips 7,403 5,186
Humptulips 133,695 31,074
6,401 13,315
Chum 27,283 1,569
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in