Here are the staff notes from the last Public meeting for GH NOF. This link will get to the GH NOF page and the suggested seasons for Recs are in it.


WDFW Staff: Larry Phillips, Annette Hoffmann, Mike Scharpf, Kim Figlar-Barnes, Curt Holt Public: 19 individuals

• Will the public be able to call in and listen to PFMC if one can' t attend?

• Correct hatchery Chinook numbers for Chehalis & Humptulips in handouts

• Concerns with Chehalis tribe harvest impacts on spring Chinook

• Marine Area 2.2 Chinook fishery

o If catching too many Chinook - cut off just Chinook retention in 2.2 and do not close entire fishery

o Is there a reason to conserve Chinook jacks? Can there be a Chinook jack retention fishery?

o How many jacks are caught Aug 1 to Sept 15?

• Hatchery vs. Wild comparison of jack Chinook - Check hatchery jack returns

• Rate of harvest on Chinook low with WDFW

o Will WDFW discuss Chinook harvest impacts with Quinault tribe?

o Could Quinault harvest be affecting Chinook stock not meeting escapement?

o Ask Quinault tribe for net per landing information

• Humptulips Alternative

o Make mark select from Oct 16th to Nov 16th hatchery Coho & hatchery Chinook retention, release wild Chinook

• Commercial Fishery

o Meet with Quinault's ask not to fish more than 3 days when Commercials fish

o If Chum are available: Can Commercials fish further into Nov - WK 46?

• Recreational Sports Fishing: Would like to fish 7 days a week during the season

• Wynoochee River

o All Species rule Aug. 16th-Nov. 30 single barbless hooks required - Can that be changed to use barbed hooks later?

• Satsop River Snagging at S-Curves

o Do not allow fishing at S-Curves
o Open S-Curves Nov 1st
o Proposal Suggestion- Would like the upper Satsop to remain open (S-Curves)
• Use tackle restrictions like a 36 inch leader length under the float (used in Skokomish River fishery)
• Float and bait mandatory

• Fish friendly culvert replacement (habitat expansion): When will habitat expansion affect escapement numbers/goals?

• Check to see if GH Advisors phone numbers are on web page

Testimony: Members of the public were not interested in giving an " Individual 3 -minute public testimony"
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in